
Was bedeutet der Fehlercode 2803 beim Installieren von Tinytag Explorer?

Falls bei einem Upgrade zur neuesten Version der Tinytag Explorer Software der Fehlercode 2803 angezeigt wird, ist die bisherige Version des Programms wahrscheinlich noch geöffnet. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Problem lösen und diese Fehlermeldung verhindern können.

Clicking OK on any 2803 error messages displayed should prompt the software to resume the installation process.

Ensuring that the software is closed before starting the upgrade will prevent the error messages from appearing.

Tinytag Radio/Connect users may also see this error message, even if Tinytag Explorer is closed, because a Radio/Connect Gateway is still running in the background.

Clicking OK on any 2803 error messages should prompt the software to resume installation, but you may need to restart the Gateway once the installation is complete.

Stopping the Radio/Connect Gateway before upgrading will prevent the error messages from appearing.

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